Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Back Door

A room with a view.


  1. Hanging out in the rumpous room again ?

  2. As the Great One would have said... "How Sweet it is"!

  3. Sorry mate, her housekeeping skills don't pass muster, you'll have to take her in hand and give her a damn good talking to . . . or perhaps even some form of corporal punishment involving delicate whips, leather masks and some type of lubricant.

  4. studded walls, pah! you can never get a decent fixing in them, look at the state of the lightswitch on the left-hand wall. the conduit and switch floating in the ether like captain kirks cheese and tomato sandwich, it's a recipe for disaster, poor girls touched the switch and it's earthed and blown all her clothes off....

  5. I'm thinking this must be a "crack" house.
