Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chicks in the Kitchen

Decisions, decisions....

Low quality B&W photo of a half nekid chick agonizing over cottage cheese or non-fat yogurt, while the spatula just hangs around trying to look useful.


  1. She needs to be hooking into a bit of protein I reckon mate.

  2. I agree... 1 Protein Injection required!

  3. This is what the Nanny Cam was made for.

  4. Yep, a little yogurt injection might fatten her up and straighten her out, and maybe some carbs and a hi-def spy cam.

    Don't know what that is on the bottom right of the 'fridge door, but I think Homeland Security might be interested in it.

  5. At the store today I bought a pack of those yogurt in a tube things (spoons are rediculous, you know it, I know it, the Spork industry knows it..anyways). I asked the male clerk who happened to be alphabetizing the cheeses if they sold yogurt in the injectable form. After 2 minutes of silence, he replied, "No ma'am. That's is not a real thing.". "Welp, back to sucking it from a tube then." I replied.

  6. Hi-Def nanny cams, injectable yogurt, and a strange 'black object', sounds pretty futuristic to me, a time traveller perhaps...? It is pretty obvious that it's a certainty... she works out....
