Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dresser Drawer Museum

I bought a new phone yesterday. I stuck the old one in my top dresser drawer, and took a walk down memory lane as I pulled out all my old phones. I think the oldest one dates back to the early nineties. I know I'm missing a few, including my first which was a "car phone." It was big as a large woman's purse (large purse not a large woman) and was mounted under the seat. I sprung for the added feature which would blow the horn if I was out of the truck.
The phone actually worked about 20% of the time.

I know this is fascinating,  but I'm posting this to see if my Blogger app is working.


  1. Tiny little electronic ball and chains all lined up in a row.

  2. The bane of civilization . . . if only we could live without them.

  3. Yes LG, the ammount of combined aggravation I received through these phones would have put a normal man into the nervous hospital.
    Being abnormal, it only caused me ulcers, alcohol and drug a dependency and advanced male pattern baldness.

  4. Yep, WLP, 'tis a love/hate relationship.

  5. I hate the panic that sets in when I think I've lost mine or it breaks. I wish we could go back to smoke signals. Stupid buzzkill Smokey the Bear ruined that for us.

  6. So,here I am talking into my phone and watching it type these words.Is this the Adroid application that you mentioned in a comment at my blog? yeah they didn't spell Android right, but it is getting better.about a year ago I found one of my lost cell phones by the side of my house where it landed after falling out of my pocket while I was cleaning the gutters.of course I was carrying it so I wouldn't miss any important calls......Fn thangs....

  7. I dropped one, (I think it was that blue beauty) into a bucket of water. It quit working. However, after drying off on the dashboard of my truck for about a half hour it came back to life like Phoenix rising.

  8. If I ever meet the guy that tricked me into thinking I could't live without one, he's gonna get a serious eye poking!!!

  9. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I like using my old phones for target practice with my 45ACP. Seeing them explode some how makes up for all of the aggravation they caused.

  10. Good idea, I may send my collection into the waiting jaws of a woodchipper.
